

Soon after the New Testament was established, Acts 2.38ff, the newly formed church in Jerusalem established an eldership, a plurality of shepherds who would influence the church, offering guidance and protection to the flock. By Acts 15, a few years later, when doctrinal questions arose regarding the acceptance of the Gentiles' baptism, this group of elders pastored the flock toward the decision God wanted in accepting these non-Jewish brethren, just as God, through the apostles’ examples, had already accepted them.  

In Acts 20, Paul addressed a group of elders reminding them that, in his absence, their responsibility to guide and protect the flock would require a humble recognition that they themselves could become the source of division if they did not remain pure and focused on their responsibilities. Selfish ambition, wielding unreasonable control, and personal impurity would not only ruin their influence but would destroy the church for whom Christ died, said fellow-elder, the apostle Peter in 1 Peter 5.

Shepherds, elders, and pastors are terms used interchangeably in these passages to describe their work and recognize men who can positively effect, influence, and protect the local body of Christ because of their commitment and qualities listed by Paul in 1 Timothy 2 and Titus 1.  God’s congregation will encourage good men among them to assume the role as stewards for the flock, and, when properly organized, the flock will continue to thrive.

On 04/16/23, the Lord’s church in Mandeville identified Derven Mignott, Nathan Williams, and Doug Hoffman to serve as elders, shepherds, pastors of the local flock. Though fallible, as other members, these men will continue in God’s work, as God has planned, to serve, help organize, and direct the work of the body of Christ in Mandeville. God will bless this congregation for its efforts to continue to serve Him in the way He desires and invite you to become a part of this wonderful work.


Derven MignottDoug HoffmanNathan Williams